Independent NHS Complaints Advocacy

If you are unhappy with health care or treatment that you have received or are currently receiving, you can use the NHS complaints process to make a complaint.

We have produced a self-help guide to the NHS complaints process which we are working on adding to this website. In the meantime, the guide can be downloaded here:

How can the NHS Complaints Advocacy Service help?

If you need help to make or progress your complaint, an independent advocate may be able to help you in some or all of the following ways:

  • Provide you with information about the complaints process (including helping to identify who to complain to)

  • Help you to write letters

  • Help you to prepare for meetings about your complaint (and to attend those meetings with you if necessary)

  • Help you to escalate your complaint if necessary up to and including the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman

What can the NHS Complaints Advocacy service not help with?

  • Supporting with complaints outside of the NHS complaints process timeframes (this is ordinarily events that happened more than 12 months ago unless there is a good reason for not complaining sooner)

  • Supporting with complaints about health care that was not provided by the NHS

  • Investigating complaints

  • Providing legal advice or seeking legal remedies

  • Providing medical advice or opinion

Who can refer?

The service is provided to anyone who is:

  • A resident of Solihull

  • Registered with a GP in Solihull

  • Wishing to complain about care or treatment that took place in Solihull

We accept referrals directly from the person seeking support. You can complete the referral form and send it to us or you can call us directly on 0121 706 4696 if you need support.